Look Up Sometimes Blog (Pearl Allard) - Expect Attacks, but Also Expect Victories!

Expect Attacks, but Also Expect Victories!

For anyone who’s ever defaulted to a straitjacket of fear – reading about Jesus telling his followers they will have trouble can be enough to drive us to hide quivering behind locked doors. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I…

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Permission to Be, Not Pressure to Perform by Pearl Allard - Look Up Sometimes Blog

Permission to Be, Not Pressure to Perform

It wasn’t happening. But not because I wasn’t trying. And I felt pressure because I’d given my word that it would happen. I saw great need. I wanted to do my part. But I may as well have been in a hamster wheel. Ever been there? Besides remembering God’s past faithfulness, sometimes we just need a complete reset. We need…

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We Never Lose; We Win or We Learn

We Never Lose; We Win or We Learn

Life is a lot like playing Angry Birds. We’re supposed to be actively involved in our advancing through life’s levels as we’re told to, “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) And I believe God wants us to take risks and be fearless ,even in the face of mistakes. I didn’t have enough energy to…

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An Invitation to Run in the Wake of Victory

Chains of fear have restrained me from really living more often than I care to recount. Which explains the level of relief and gratitude I experienced after reading a profound explanation of the cliché story, found in 1 Samuel 17, of David and Goliath. You know: Goliath, the 9-foot tall giant, insults the God of Israel and the Israelite army…

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