Familiar vs Wonder? What'll It Be? Order UP! by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

Wonder vs Familiar – What’ll It Be? Order UP!

Stuff I thought I knew frontwards and backwards and eyes shut and upside down. But who cares what anyone knows? We want to EXPERIENCE it. I’m grateful that God is devoted to me even when I’m not fulfilling my duty to Him.

Empowered - When Someone Loves You Enough to Remove All Your Excuses by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

Empowered – When Someone Loves You Enough to Remove All Your Excuses

Today I’m participating in Five Minute Friday, a writing community that freewrites for five minutes on a prompt. No editing. I’m going to try my darndest to actually do just that. Today’s prompt: Excuse. Look Up Sometimes’ new tagline is: nurturing Son-followers to embrace grace. I’ve been studying in Romans and realizing that grace is not an optional warm fuzzy…

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