Yeah, Whatever - #3 Right by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

Yeah, Whatever – #3 Right: The 9 C’s of Courage

If you are just joining us, welcome to the Yeah, Whatever series as we study Philippians 4:8 in a way you may have never before! (You can read the first and second posts in the series HERE and HERE.) I’ve benefitted reflecting on specific things that are true and noble. I tell you what, though, I struggled to find something…

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When God Moves Faster than I Can Keep Up by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

When God Moves Faster than I Can Keep Up

Today I’m participating in the Five Minute Friday community. We’re supposed to write for five minutes and not edit. I take these rules as a kind of loose suggestion. The word prompt is: REGRET. I had a post all set to send you today, but I deleted it. Maybe I didn’t want you to know writing is a struggle right…

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God Only Gives – Tsunami of God’s Love

I swept crumbs from under the dinner table deep in thought. Three separate sources of words – a book, a phone conversation, and a question – collided, and I puzzled through the fragmented thoughts. Maybe Christ doesn’t want codependence so much as He wants co-laborers? But I don’t even know what that means. I’m all in, God! Even if it’s…

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How Zero Effort Beats Perfectionism by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

How Zero Effort Beats Perfectionism

I’m not a photographer, but I like to occasionally snap photos. I attempted some one day, intending to give them as a gift. If the photos were good enough, maybe the recipient would use them in advertising. So I felt pressure, albeit self-induced since the recipient knew nothing about my intentions. Some I shot quickly, but on others I spent…

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When You Need Hope - It Only Takes One Drop by Pearl Allard (Look Up Sometimes)

When You’re Desperate for Just One Drop

This story still moves me. I discovered the thoughts in an old journal, but I pray God uses it to breathe fresh hope. I’m getting just barely enough to survive. Drops of grace. Just when I think I can’t hardly take it, along comes one encouragement. But it’s just ONE. But at least it’s one. I’m trying to be ok…

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