Hope That Doesn't Give Up (Even When We Have) by Pearl Allard - Look Up Sometimes

Hope That Doesn’t Give Up (Even When We Do)

My four-year-old daughter colored several papers and attempted to staple them. Her six-year-old brother observed. “I have to push with all my weight when I use the stapler,” he said, validating her struggle. Suddenly, she stood up, chair scraping, launched her project in the trash can, and stormed to her room. “I’m right here if you want –,” <cue slamming…

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Look Up Sometimes Blog (Pearl Allard) - Expect Attacks, but Also Expect Victories!

Expect Attacks, but Also Expect Victories!

For anyone who’s ever defaulted to a straitjacket of fear – reading about Jesus telling his followers they will have trouble can be enough to drive us to hide quivering behind locked doors. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I…

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You Are Loved (Father's Day Weekend)

You Are Loved (Father’s Day Weekend)

I rummaged in the linen closet for a washcloth. Eye sleepies, dried drool, residual toothpaste…my five-year-old daughter was adorable, just needed a little unmasking. As I wiped her face, my daughter kept trying to peer into the mirror, delaying progress. She seemed to be admiring herself. After a few times, I said patiently, “Look at me, not the mirror. The…

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When You Feel More Like Roadkill than Alive in Christ

When You Feel More Like Roadkill than Alive in Christ

Blood and guts aren’t my thing. I hate scary movies, and I don’t go into haunted houses. I don’t like most science fiction. But the following is a true story. Back in the pre-kids days, I worked in an office. My boss grew up in the country and joked that Chicago city folk vacationing in our region only saw real…

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